RiTUAL. A ceremonial act ~ Rites used in the course of worship ~ The performance of ceremonial acts ~ The prescribed form of conducting the ceremony ~ A method of procedure that is followed without variation ~ performance with gestures, words, and objects, often in a sequestered place.

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Prudence Shapcott

Prudence Shapcott is a British artist, originally born in Zimbabwe.  She primarily uses mixed media techniques; oil transfers, collage and wax monotypes. Using simple words, vibrant colors and organic shapes, her work is un-tethered and produced with unabashed childlike exuberance. It speaks of unlimited hope.  It’s joyful and nurturing. Themes Prudence is currently exploring include representations of the color blue, faith and sculptures inspired by her African heritage. She currently has work exhibiting in West Windsor Art Center ‘s OFF the Wall show.  Prudence lives in Princeton NJ, with her husband and two beautiful young daughters. Contact by email: prushapcott@gmail.com

What time is it?

What time is it? by Prudence Shapcott

The theme, what time is it is directly taken from from the ancient scriptures -Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 as the words illustrate so beautifully that there is time for everything, and ART. inherent in the book is the idea that ultimately that all life and ART is from God the Creator. The background images of this book were created using oil tranfer technique and water colors.  

Artwork in Ritual Single-sheet book show (2013)

Come and See by Prudence Shapcott Come and See by Prudence Shapcott Come and See by Prudence Shapcott
Come and See         
What time is it? by Prudence Shapcott
What time is it?