RiTUAL. A ceremonial act ~ Rites used in the course of worship ~ The performance of ceremonial acts ~ The prescribed form of conducting the ceremony ~ A method of procedure that is followed without variation ~ performance with gestures, words, and objects, often in a sequestered place.

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Ted Gutswa

In our physical world are forgotten remnants of our past and we sometimes unconsciously glimpse these architectural fragments and subtly recall a more familiar place buried in a time long forgotten. These so-called architectural fragments are part of our history, they have a universal presence where the now and past are fused together into a vision of a timeless place. Within these fragments, these doors and windows lead us where?

I attempt to conjoin these seemingly disparate elements of now and then to create an architectural site of the spirit, a place for the contemplation of new locations, new possibilities and other unforeseen paradigms. Not only are these remnants visually stunning, but also have within them the quality of an inherent function, say, for shelter or exploration, a mysteriously vague, but not unfamiliar place that perhaps beckons us to return.

Explorations of Color

Explorations of Color by Ted Gutswa
Explorations of Color by Ted Gutswa

Artwork in Ritual Single-sheet book show (2013)

Forgotten Parables by Ted Gutswa Forgotten Parables by Ted Gutswa Forgotten Parables by Ted Gutswa
Forgotten Parables