RiTUAL. A ceremonial act ~ Rites used in the course of worship ~ The performance of ceremonial acts ~ The prescribed form of conducting the ceremony ~ A method of procedure that is followed without variation ~ performance with gestures, words, and objects, often in a sequestered place.

see catalog >

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RiTUAL. Reading Room 2015 : online catalog

December 5, 2015 — February 26, 2016


1241 Carpenter Street, Third Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19147

ENSO II  by Barbara Hocker
Free to Fly by Diana Russo
Rites of becoming more me by Sonia Sherrod
Hello by Sarah Nathan Watkins
Blossomed Desert by Jacqueline Unanue
To Walk a Path a book of pinhole images by Therese Brown
Keys and Bic Pens by Mike Lewis
Octet by Rosy Penhallow
ritual days by Amy Ralston
r.i.t.u.a.l. a small book by Amy Ralston
new generation,  Barbara Schaff
Hello journal by Diana Russo
Wendy Wolf Natural Repetition Ritual Book Box Elder Leaves
Back to my bones by Damini Celebre
Coffee Three Ways
indePENNdent  #2 by Claire Marcus
Obsession  by Sydni Dehahn (Clarke University)
Pattern 1 by Mike Lewis
Rhythm of Ritual Book.  Acrylic Collage, pen and pencil on paper.
Breath Prayer by C'Anne Anderson
Images from Book #1 A Cabinet of Curiosities, Allyn Stewart
Line drawing, sleep,
Wendy Wolf Natural Repetition Ritual Book Ginkgo
Heads Tails by Rosy Penhallow
ariadne a small book by Amy Ralston
Wendy Wolf Natural Repetition Ritual Book Maple Leaves
One week's truth (Cover Image) Brian Spies
Love Notes by Rosy Penhallow
Tempo by Miriam J. McKee (Clarke University)
Burning  by Katie Marter (Clarke University)
Six Little Poems in a small book by Eric Edwards
EARTH by Damini Celebre a small book
Keith R. Breitfeller, Marking Life
Cats want to be prints by Elinor Breidenthal
Lago Plomo, Chile John Dickerson, Heavy Bubble, websites for artists
Six a.m. by Emmanuel Egwaoje (Clarke University)
HATitudes by Sarah Nathan Watkins
Dream Bats by Elinor Breidenthal
ENSO III by Barbara Hocker
small artist book, black text on blue background, Loving Repeating by Bill Brookover
Minigami by Taylor Tai
The Pocket Model Lookbook Artist Taylor Tai
Domino by Jarmen
Let's Eat Cake by Alice Austin
Yoga by Lauren Reagan (Clarke University)
RiTUAL - Ella Sayre, Episcopal HIgh School
Keith R. Breitfeller, Evening Songs
Elqui Valley by Jacqueline Unanue
Marker, watercolor, pen on paper
Wood and Stone, Lago Plomo, Chile John Dickerson, Heavy Bubble, websites for artists
Warm [Artist Taylor Tai]
Procession. by Amber Chiozza
Coffee Three Ways
The Book of Fortune, DoN Brewer
Images from Book #1 A Cabinet of Curiosities, Allyn Stewart
card games by Emma Meetz
Changing Fields an artbook by Stella Untalan
ritual gathering by Amy Ralston
Blood of the Youth by Josh Brilliant
Front Side of Listening to the Chatter of the Universe
Parts by Jarmen
Tree, colored pencil, artist book
repeat by Maddie LeSage
Brian Dennis, "Call It"  #3
Wendy Wolf Natural Repetition Ritual Book Linden Leaves
by Julia Leisenring
