
Donna Quinn in Moore Alumnae Exhibition - Small But Not Restricted

abstract,painting,acrylic,wood panel
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Donna Quinn's painting, Best Laid Plans, is included in Moore College of Art & Design's Annual Alumni Exhibition. The show features over 125 recent works by Moore alumni who were challenged to interpret the concept of “small”. The exhibit reflects the notion that small can be a literal or an abstract idea that may refer to magnitude, quantity, scope, age, force or status as well as numerous other implications.

Ana Vizcarra Rankin : Art in the Open

Starlight, shadow city.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ana Vizcarra Rankin's Starlights are night-lights featuring celestial maps. They incorporate works on paper, celestial cartography, sculptural and technological elements, with an emphasis on environmental sustainability. For Art in the Open, Ana will create a new generation of solar-powered indoor/outdoor starlights specific to the 2014 Philadelphia night sky.

Private Beta, do-it-yourself artLIFE posting

artLife listings, artist listings, tribe, happenings, workshops, events

We're currently in a private beta for a new free service for our tribe. Artists will soon be able to post their own event/press releases and announcements for inclusion in the heavybubble artLIFE section.

The events will be curated and will also have the possibility to be promoted to the welcome screen of

artLIFE is a curated selection of events, exhibitions, workshops, and doings by and for our tribe.

The Void That Binds, Ana Vizcarra Rankin at Goggleworks

little south by Ana Vizcarra Rankin
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Opening Reception: Friday January 10, 2014, 5:30-7:30 p.m.

The void that Binds refers to the origin of the map drawings and talismans in the form of sketches on paper and small bits of fabric as well as collected natural geometries and textures such as coral, stones and bones. The trajectory of the gaze across the plane upon which las tapas are displayed, as well as the lines of sight created by the viewfinder objects among the large map drawings, becomes the void that binds.

Danielle Bursk and Justin Bursk in Current Climate

Current Climate
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Featuring work by Crane Arts Artists: 

Kelton Bumgarner, Danielle Bursk, Justin Bursk, Bailey Chick, Dianne Hricko, Richard Hricko, Jennifer Johnson, Nick Kripal, Jude Lang, Kyle Lopinto, Susan Moore, John Roebas, Rebecca Rutstein, Rebecca Saylor Sack, Kristin Schatterfield-Rein, Tim Schwartz, Colleen McCubbin Stephanic, Ian White Williams, and Dganit Zauberman



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