
SIGHTING : in retrospect, Melissa Maddonni Haims

We have been trying to capture some little videos that give you a glimpse at installations, exhibitions, and events that we have experienced. Here is an installation by Melissa Maddonni Haims.

Heaven, a soft sculpture, which took nearly 2 years to knit and crochet, was created in honor of Melissa;s mother who died in January 2008. Offering was completed in 2013, one year after the heartbreaking death of her best friend of 26 years. This soft sculpture is made up of hundreds of crocheted stones to build a memorial celebrating her life.

Betty Leacraft exhibits in tribute to Nelson Mandela

Betty Leacraft will visit South Africa, where one of her works will be part of an exhibit of art quilts in tribute to the late President Nelson Mandela.

The exhibit, titled Conscience of the Human Spirit: The Life of Nelson Mandela, features works by 90 artists, including 37 from the United States. It will be displayed from July 26-28 at the Emperor's Palace Convention Center in Johannesburg.

SEEN AND LIKED : Gerard Brown at Abington Art Center

Gerard Brown at Abington Art Center exhibition entrance
Gerard Brown at Abington Art Center exhibition
Gerard Brown at Abington Art Center exhibition
Gerard Brown at Abington Art Center exhibition

We went to see the work of Gerard Brown at Abington Art Center. His is one of several rooms in an joint yet separate set of solo shows. Mr Brown's work fit the gallery space quite well. The scale was very approachable. We enjoy Gerard's secret messages coded in nautical signal flags. We especially like the shaped cut paintings. It feels as though this series of works is really just getting started and there will be more from the extended language. Be sure to check out the Braille series too.

The exhibition runs through July 27, 2014


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