
Artist TIP. Facebook is not the internet.

We know you love showing your friends what you are doing on Facebook. The problem is it doesn't really get you the kind of search engine exposure that your website, blog, or especially Google+ get you

So if you want more people to find your images and posts you might want to change your habits. At least expand your circle to other networks. There is a whole internet out there. Facebook is not the internet.

Private Beta, do-it-yourself artLIFE posting

artLife listings, artist listings, tribe, happenings, workshops, events

We're currently in a private beta for a new free service for our tribe. Artists will soon be able to post their own event/press releases and announcements for inclusion in the heavybubble artLIFE section.

The events will be curated and will also have the possibility to be promoted to the welcome screen of

artLIFE is a curated selection of events, exhibitions, workshops, and doings by and for our tribe.

Dumb ideas. #1

Having a portfolio or blog with a black background and white type. Readability is reduced and using black is a gimmick to make your art look better than it really is.

Don't fool yourself.


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