
GOOD - BYE 110

Fairwell 110 CHURCH galley

It's bittersweet saying good-bye to 110 CHURCH. We've worked with incredibly generous artists and discovered a warm and giving community. We've encouraged artists to take risks and offered solo shows that have advanced careers. We're proud of what we have been able to accomplish over these five years, it's been an amazing adventure. 

Don Brewer on Tamsen Wojtanowski : Shelter at 110 CHURCH

photo of Shelter by Don Brewer

Don Brewer says, Shelter has stuck in my mind, I went back twice to see the cyanotypes and experience the deep blue. The color stirs thoughts of science, spirituality, and inspiration. The compositions add layers of memes and memories to the blissful peace of cyan blue. 

This is a fabulous show. Don't miss walking into Tamsen Wojtanowski's cyanotype world. You can still see it. Closes November 22.

Betty Leacraft exhibits in tribute to Nelson Mandela

Betty Leacraft will visit South Africa, where one of her works will be part of an exhibit of art quilts in tribute to the late President Nelson Mandela.

The exhibit, titled Conscience of the Human Spirit: The Life of Nelson Mandela, features works by 90 artists, including 37 from the United States. It will be displayed from July 26-28 at the Emperor's Palace Convention Center in Johannesburg.

Asian Arts Initiative with Center for Architecture wins ArtPlace Grant

Pearl Street + DesignPhiladelphia PopUp Place

Philadelphia, PA (population 1.5 million) is home to the Chinatown North/Callowhill neighborhood; a rapidly changing neighborhood with an industrial past that contains part of the Reading Viaduct, which is planned for reuse as an elevated Rail Park, and a wide range of residents who reflect the diversity, disparity, and creative potential of the larger City.


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