Welcome to artlife where we post a curated selection of events, exhibitions, workshops, and doings by heavybubble and artists that use our services. Check out the artist opportunities and events that catch our eye.
artLIFE at heavybubble
Howard Brunner
Christopher Hondru
Elieen Veight
A photography teacher, a recent graduate, and a current student at the Art Institute of Philadelphia explore sources of inspiration and create images of the city informed by the rich resources of the City of Philadelphia's Department of Records' historic photographic archives.
The Art Institute of Philadelphia
1622 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19130
Gallery Hours
Mon. - Th. 9 AM - 7 PM, Fri. 9 AM - 5 PM, Sat. 9 AM - 4 PM
Interested in a residency in the wilderness of Alaska? Have dreams of an outdoor adventure hiking the backcountry with a Park Ranger? Well the National Park Service has a residency opportunity for you. Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve is accepting proposals for 2011.
You have to be fit for this one and supply your own gear. Wow.
Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve Artist-in-Residence Program
Tracie Pendergrast, AIR Coordinator
Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve
4175 Geist Rd.
Fairbanks, AK 99709-3420
The Women's Committee of the Philadelphia Museum of Art is pleased to announce its first Photography Portfolio Competition. The application deadline for the competition is May 15, 2010. All applications must be submitted online. The competition is open to everyone over the age of eighteen, regardless of nationality.
Jurors will include noted photographer Tina Barney; Melissa Harris, Editor-in-Chief, Aperture Magazine; and Peter Barberie, The Brodsky Curator of Photographs, Alfred Stieglitz Center, Philadelphia Museum of Art.
Today we had an disturbingly obnoxious encounter with people 'behind' a fake artblog. They seem to think their grade school humor is funny.
Fake names, paranoia, threats, delusions of grandeur. Seems like everything they throw at you is a reflection of them.
Here's the e-mail exchange.
1. The initial approach
From the form at heavybubble.com came an inquiry -- signed with a false name -- asking that the 'publisher' of the website be identified.
Painting relates to both art and life. Neither can be made. (I try to act in that gap between the two.)
-- Robert Rauschenberg, 1959
from the New York Times