
Seen and liked: Plamen Veltchev and Alison Stigora at LG Tripp

On our walking tour yesterday, before all the shows change over, we stopped by LG Tripp. The show features two versions of aggressive by Plamen Veltchev and Alison Stigora. Veltchev's feature sharp machine made objects while Stigora's are made of ominous yet less threatening wood.

The huge installation in the back room will surprise you. Go and experience this show before it closes. We'd love to know what you think.

You won't come out of this show without an opinion.

January 21 – February 26, 2011

LES SOULIERS Sound installation from Arno Fabre

Sound installation from Arno Fabre - 2009.

We discovered this video through some keyword searching. It's an amazing performance. Sharing it with you.
Feel free to leave comments.
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LES SOULIERS is an ensemble of thirty pairs of shoes, piloted by computer and mechanically actived by "tramplers". The shoes strikes and scrapes the floor according to a numerical score (Midi score read by the software Max / MSP).

Sound installation from Arno Fabre — 2009.

Sound installation from Arno Fabre - 2009.

We discovered this video through some keyword searching. It's an amazing performance. Sharing it with you.
Feel free to leave comments.
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LES SOULIERS is an ensemble of thirty pairs of shoes, piloted by computer and mechanically actived by "tramplers". The shoes strikes and scrapes the floor according to a numerical score (Midi score read by the software Max / MSP).

Sunday, February 6, Artist Conversation with Linda Dubin Garfield

Artist Conversation
Sunday, February 6, 2011

The last of our artist conversations for the Snowflake Salon features Linda Dubin Garfield on Sunday, February 6 from 1:30 to 4 PM. She'll be in the gallery to discuss her passion the ART of Printmaking. She loves monotypes and will discuss how she makes them. If you are interested she'll also share some of the other categories of printmaking as well. Relief and intaglio techniques; block printing, etching, lithograph, silk screen, drypoint, stencil, collagraphy, and viscosity printing.

Call for entries : Art in the Open

Dates and Deadlines
Entry submissions due: February 28, 2011
Juror review: March 21, 2011
Notification: April 1, 2011

AiO celebrates the Philadelphia landscape as both inspiration and as an open-air studio for artists. Over the days of June 9 to 12, 2011, from Fairmount Water Works to Bartram's Garden, AiO will explore the natural beauty and urban character of the Schuylkill River: where West Philadelphia separates from Center City and thousands of people enjoy a beloved recreational park of paths and views.

Artist Conversation with Linda Dubin Garfield.

Blue Light by Linda Dubin Garfield
Artist Conversation
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Join Linda Dubin Garfield on Sunday, February 6 from 1:30 to 4 PM for an Artist's Conversation about her passion the ART of Printmaking. She loves monotypes and will discuss how she makes them. If you are interested she'll also share some of the other categories of printmaking as well. Relief and intaglio techniques; block printing, etching, lithograph, silk screen, drypoint, stencil, collagraphy, and viscosity printing.

110 CHURCH | g a l l e r y


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