
Anne Saint Peter: Wall of Women

Anne Saint Peter: Wall of Women promo image
artist reception
Fri, 10/21/2011
6 - 8pm
Monday, August 22, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011

The Wall of Women (WoW) is an ongoing project conceived by Philadelphia photographer / artist, Anne Saint Peter, to honor the many talented women of all disciplines in the Arts.

Begun in the fall of 2008, the project includes black and white analog portraits of over 100 artistic women, including the visual arts, poetics, music and dance.  The intent is to showcase the many talented women in the arts – an often overlooked group.

“The project will go on forever,” says Saint Peter, “a kind of Judy Chicago ‘Dinner Party’ that just keeps evolving.”

Lancaster Avenue Arts Open Call: Deadline August 8, 2011

Proposals are being accepted for art in and on vacant storefronts along Lancaster Avenue for display from September 30th to November 30th. Think creatively! Proposals will be judged on artistic merit, how they use the space and integrate with the surrounding neighborhood, and how well thought out and practical the project is from concept to installation. This opportunity is open to artists working in any medium. Work that is responsive to the site is of special interest.

The Wassaic Project Summer Festival

The Wassaic Project Summer Festival is a FREE, annual, multi-disciplinary celebration of art, music, and community in the hamlet of Wassaic, NY. 2011 will feature over 100 artists, 23 bands, poetry readings, dance performances, film screenings, and much more.

August 5-7, 2011.
Art Reception in Maxon Mills
Saturday 5pm-7pm.

We are located at:
The Maxon Mills
37 Furnace Bank Road
Wassaic, NY 12592

and The Luther Barn
15 Furnace Bank Road
Wassaic, NY 12592



EXHIBITION: BLACK & WHITE The Art of Dana Ingham and Len Cowgill

25 third graders1956 by Len Cowgill
Artist Reception
Friday, July 22, 2011

Be part of the event: wear black and/or white!

Len Cowgill places his drawings in boxes and bottles and surrounds them with writing and found objects. “My work is about containment. I explore some facet of the human condition in a drawing and box it up or put it in a bottle. I create a stage for the drawings and invite the audience to get close, look at and touch it. It becomes an experience shared, a story that’s been told; perhaps not the story I had in mind.”

Reception: Friday, July 22, 2011
5 to 8 pm


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