Carol Philips in Infinite Light

Friday, December 7, 2012
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Opening: First Friday December 7th 5-9 PM

Small Talk, Carol Philips
Illuminating Process:  Reflections On Making Art

Sunday, December 16th 2-4 PM 

In this invitational exhibit, Carol Philips will show six new pieces that celebrate light. December 16 Philips will speak about Illuminating Process: Reflections On Making Art.


Carol Philips has been making art for over 30 years. Throughout this time, some aspects of her work have remained consistent: a love of color, an obsession with composition, and the use of nature and mystic texts  - primarily the Kabbalah - for inspiration. Others have changed: whereas her scale was once quite large, it has become smaller and more intimate; texture has become a predominant concern; and her imagery is increasingly abstract. Finally, her medium is no longer paint. Rather than painting, she creates work using both paint and other materials  - from natural, such as leaves and petals, to "craft," including glitter, sequins, and ribbons, to office supplies and found items. All of these are combined as needed to discover and create a piece's meaning.



Old City Jewish Art Center
119 N. 3rd Street
Philadelphia 19106
215. 923. 1222