
CALL FOR ARTISTS : Courthouse 2.0: Reimagining the Civic

Arlington County, Virginia, is seeking qualifications from artists or artist teams interested in creating temporary public art projects and/or activations that would be commissioned as part of Courthouse 2.0: Reimagining the Civic — an ongoing, multi-year initiative aimed at imagining Courthouse Square as an engaging, creative space where Arlington explores its civic future.


2015 Summer Show featuring new paintings by Tim McFarlane

I Don't Know What Happened, But... by Tim McFarlane
Friday, June 5, 2015
Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Bridgette Mayer Gallery's 2015 Summer Show starts June 4th and  will feature five new paintings by Tim McFarlane that will be making their exhibition debut! The new paintings that Tim is exhibiting in this show are part of a larger body of work exploring a grey-scale monochromatic palette using black, white and silver paint.

Damini Celebre, Preserved: Farmland Visions Exhibition

Summer: CELEBRE 2014
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Damini Celebre will be showing her piece, Summer, the Farm Project (2014-15) at the Smithville Mansion Annex Gallery. This show will feature artwork from the Preserved: Farmland Visions an art program and exhibition celebrating thirty years of farmland preservation in Burlington County New Jersey. 44 artists are representing 43 preserved farms throughout Burlington County.

The exhibit will run from June 11- 25, 2015.

Stella Untalan : 366 iPhone project, a drawing-a-day

drawingaday project iPhone drawings by Stella Untalan
Friday, June 5, 2015
Monday, August 31, 2015

365+1 #drawingaday is a digital drawing-a-day project.

365 + 1, is the result of a drawing-a-day project — a daily constancy in drawing.  Experimenting with a foreign surface and unfamiliar tools, Stella drew with sketch software on her iPhone. A step outside the studio and away from the comfort of familiar, analog tools. 

Speed, Still, Sway with Justin Bursk

Justin Bursk wind up art. Sailing mountains.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Friday, June 26, 2015

Justin Bursk’s works are blatantly, playfully homemade.  His work is the work of a tinkerer, exploring through doing.  Where Price is rapid-fire crisp, and Manuse slow and poetic, Bursk is improvisatory, a series of “what-if” scenarios played out on his visual stage.

Also in this show  Mark Price, Joe Manuse 

Mount Airy Contemporary’s programming has focused on providing low key, high quality art experiences in an informal residential setting to northwest Philadelphia audiences.

Gallery Hours: By Appointment

CALL FOR ART: "Murica! A Patriotic Art Show 2015 at PhilaMOCA

The Philadelphia Mausoleum of Contemporary Art (PhilaMOCA) is now accepting submissions for the 2015 installment of our annual art exhibition ‘MURICA!

PhilaMOCA is looking for art of all kinds, patriotic or not, celebratory or critical, as long as the subject is the US of A. Art in all 2D mediums will be considered (sorry, we cannot accept 3D works).

The exhibit’s opening reception/celebration will be held on Friday, July 3 and the show will hang through Tuesday, July 28.


Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, June 24.



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