The Knight Arts Challenge – Philadelphia, $9 million initiative

It’s your turn to inspire Philadelphia’s growing local arts scene.

IDEA DEADLINE : November 1, 2010
The Knight Arts Challenge – Philadelphia is a three-year, $9 million initiative to draw the best and most innovative ideas out of local organizations and individuals seeking to transform the community through the arts Great ideas can start anywhere, so the challenge is open to everyone – established arts institutions, independent artists of all types, businesses and service organizations.
If you have a great idea in the arts, let us know.
There are three simple rules:

  1. The idea is about arts.
  2. The project takes place in or benefits Philadelphia.
  3. You find other funding to match the Knight Foundation grant.

You will have approximately one year from the time you receive the grant to match our funding.  If it is a multi-year project, you will have about a year to match each year’s grant amount.

The initial, 150 word application will be accepted until Nov. 1 at

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