Seeing Red
It's not just an expression.
We are pleased to announce our first Open Call of 2017 at ARTSPACE1241
In bullfighting, the matador beckons the bull with a red cape, which agitates the bull, and it charges for the cape.
Entries must be on a Deep Profile Birch Wood Panel 6 x 6 inches 1 5/8 inch depth. Do not wire for hanging.
- You can submit up to three pieces.
- If a piece is not selected for the show your fee will be returned.
- Artist pays shipping to and from. Provide a shipping label or prepaid package.
- Heavy Bubble takes extreme care with artworks. Work however is not insured.
- Heavybubble does not take a commission.
Check the this page for updates or answers to questions.
Email us at artlife@heavybubble.com with subject ‘seeing red’ if you intend to participate -- just so we have a ballpark number for planning.
Exhibition will be open Fridays from 1:30 - 4:30 PM or by appointment.
Download a label below.
Print it out, fill it out clearly, and attach it to the back of each entry.
Saturday, February 4, 2017 through
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Saturday, February 4, 6:30 - 9:30 PM
Artspace 1241
1241 Carpenter Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147