Betty Leacraft in Textural Rhythms: Constructing the Jazz Tradition

San Francisco's Museum of the African Diaspora features works of art spun from two highly improvisational forms of African American culture... jazz and quilting.

Philadelphia Artist Betty Leacraft is participating in this exhibition. She's currently getting her work together for her bubble.

Textural Rhythms, curated by Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi, Founder and Coordinator of The Women of Color Quilters Network unites two of the most well known and popular artistic forms in African American culture, jazz and quilts. The exhibition includes work from some of America’s best known African American quilters

more information at MoAD >

Museum of the African Diaspora
685 Mission Street (at Third)
San Francisco, California 94105
phone: 415.358.7200
fax: 415.358.7252